
We build innovative solutions that link the physical and digital world, using advanced data and digital technologies. Unlock the full value of data to provide descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive insights.

  • Adasa is proficient in measuring water quality. We design and manufacture our own equipment, but we are also concerned with quantity as we integrate technologies and sensors from recognized manufacturers in hydrological measuring sites.
  • Our complete vision of the water cycle leads us to design and install observation systems that include third-party technologies that we integrate into automatic weather stations, weather radars and forecasting systems.
  • We build operational platforms leveraging cloud computing, industrial automation and asset management combined with data technologies and analytics, including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Machine Learning (ML), remote sensing and real-time optimisation.


Ensuring safe water

Measure critical parameters such as microbial, nutrients, organic and physicochemical properties, to identify deviations and provide early warning of hazards.


Access timely water data

Collate, manage and provide access to river flow data. Anticipate water-related risks and underpin all areas of effective water management.


Measure & forecast

More accurate and higher resolution observations. Improve public weather services, advanced alerts, dissemination and service delivery.


Information-based value

Extract useful information from large data sets using scalable analytics and machine learning. Apply big data interpretations and predictive modelling.


Efficient processes

Making available accurate, current and comprehensive data and placing you on the forefront of connected mobile workforces and the Smart Cities revolution.


Sustainable infrastructure

Maximize the value of capital as well as operations and maintenance with critical information on assets and timing of investments.

ADASA makes use of powerful platforms to store securely water data for fast, central access, delivering the latest science and techniques in intuitive interfaces. We place our customers on the forefront of the digital technologies revolution to anticipate the occurrence of events and the characterization of water related risks.

See our work




Sydney, Australia

Assuring dam safety through high quality and timely data and analytics.

Flood Early Warning System

Flood Early Warning System

Duero River Basin Authority

Valladolid, Spain

Enhancing flood risk awareness and response.



Wessex Water

Bath, England

Reducing energy and improving effluent in wastewater treatment.

Automatic Weather Station Maintenance

Automatic Weather Station Maintenance

Meteorological Service of Catalonia

Catalonia, Spain

Real-time data improves weather forecasting and climatology studies.


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