Building customer confidence through insight into decision making.
With an ongoing and severe drought in eastern Australia, water users in NSW were becoming increasingly concerned about the fairness of rules for sharing water and whether rules were being properly enforced. Following media revelations, a government commissioned inquiry called for dramatically increased transparency to build confidence in the management and use of water. Like many water businesses, WaterNSW now needed to not only manage water well but also explain these decisions and the data underlying these decisions.
ADASA’s Solution
Consequently, WaterNSW engaged ADASA to design and build a new digital experience that would provide WaterNSW customers and other stakeholders with up-to-date hydrological and operational information presented in a way that was visually meaningful and easily understood. ADASA integrated data from a variety of internal operational systems, designed a web presentation layer based on the latest UX technology and built an app that allowed key operational staff to publish commentary and upload documents. The system became known as WaterInsights.
Today, customers have comprehensive insight into the data and interpretive commentary underpinning WaterNSW resource planning processes and decision making. Data is targeted to a customers’ location to ensure it is relevant and easily understood. The information is presented in a simple dashboard with the ability to click and drill down to further detail. Information includes daily flows into dams and in rivers & weirs, notifications and orders that determine water access, a breakdown of the availability to each category of water licence holder and charts of historical flows and volumes to help customers with long range planning.
Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, WaterNSW is responsible for supplying the bulk water needs for the 7.5 million inhabitants of the state of New South Wales. Managing 42 dams, WaterNSW supplies two-thirds of water used in NSW and operates the largest surface and groundwater monitoring network in the southern hemisphere.