Nutrients Measuring Device

Highly sensitive sensors measure nitrogen and phosphorous in water.

Easy-to-use and integrate with other devices

Adasa offers advanced solutions based on the continuous measurement of water quality that analyse the presence of nutrients and provide essential information to determine the status of water bodies, as well as to diagnose the origin and causes of their alterations.

At Adasa:

  1. We select the most suitable water quality sensors for each installation according to the characteristics of the water bodies.
  2. We offer tailor-made monitoring solutions adapted to the needs and we can integrate existing systems into our multi-parametric solutions.
Droplet Sens and Drybox

Drybox and nutrient measurement

Drybox is a family of fully quantitative automatic nutrient measurement devices that uses an internal reference for self-monitoring of water quality and can be wall or bench mounted.

With very low power and reagent consumption - less than 2 W without a collection system and only requiring a reagent change every 3 months if in continuous use - the device generates no external waste.

The device requires a filtered sample feed. It includes a sample feed filter to ensure inlet water quality, with a reduced maintenance frequency: typically 3 months for environmental applications (turbidity ≤ 250 NTU).

The system can operate continuously or intermittently, providing a measurement at a selectable period and increasing the period between reactive changes.

Total ammoniacal nitrogen is determined autonomously by pH-mediated conversion of dissolved ammonium to ammonia, following the standard Berthelot test and indophenol chemistry.

The standard Griess method is used for the autonomous and simultaneous determination of nitrate and nitrite.

Dissolved phosphate is determined autonomously using the standard molybdenum blue test.

Main features

  • Minimum consumption of reagents.
  • Maintenance every 3 months.
  • Low energy consumption (< 1.5 W).

DropletSens: solution for nutrient determination

DropletSens is a family of fully quantitative automatic submersible nutrient measurement devices, using an internal reference for quality self-monitoring.

With very low reagent and power consumption - less than 2 W, and only requiring replacement every 3 months if in continuous use - the device generates no external waste.

The device is immersed in the sample to be measured. It includes a sample feed filter to ensure the quality of the inlet water, with a reduced maintenance frequency: typically 3 months for ambient applications (turbidity ≤ 250 NTU).

The instrument can operate continuously or intermittently, providing a measurement at a selectable period and increasing the period between reactive changes.

Total ammoniacal nitrogen is determined autonomously by pH-mediated conversion of dissolved ammonium to ammonia, following the standard Berthelot test and indophenol chemistry.

The standard Griess method is used for the autonomous and simultaneous determination of nitrate and nitrite.

Dissolved phosphate is determined autonomously using the standard molybdenum blue test.

Benefits of Drybox and DropletSens

  • Efficient management of dammed water.
  • Reduction of operating costs.
  • Minimisation of organoleptic problems in drinking water treatment.
  • Reduced CAPEX and OPEX.


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