Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Quality, Environment and Health & Safety

  • Adasa has implemented an Integrated Management System to guarantee an excellent service in terms of quality, to contribute to a sustainable environment and to protect the health and safety of our employees. Our Quality, Environment and Health & Safety Policy states our commitment in this sense.
  • Adasa’s Integrated Management System is based on certified international standards:

Quality Management System Certificate, UNE EN ISO 9001:15

Environmental Management System Certificate, UNE EN ISO 14001:15

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Certificate, EMAS ES-CAT-000414

Health and Safety Management Systems Certificate ISO 45001:2018

Environmental Statement

Adasa is committed to sustainability by promoting the progress and welfare of society, creating economic, environmental and social value. This is embedded in the way we work. As a provider of innovative water digital technologies and services, and an active contributor to environmental protection, Adasa strives to conduct its business responsibly and empower all players in the economy to manage the interaction between the natural world and the artificial world in a responsible manner.

Our approach to sustainability is to integrate innovative economic, social and environmental business practices to deliver long term value to our shareholders, customers, partners, communities, employees and the environment.

Learn more on our Environmental Statement

2020 Sustainability Report

We believe that a healthy and prosperous society depends highly on safe, abundant and affordable water.
Adasa is a signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2007, the largest international voluntary corporate social responsibility initiative.

Day to day, we passionately contribute our part in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, helping our customers to better understand water and manage their infrastructure in better harmony with nature.

The outcomes of these efforts are reported annually in our Annual Review and Sustainability Report.

Read our Sustainability Report 2020


Compliance Policy

We have a rigorous Anti-Bribery Policy and Criminal Compliance Policy that all our workers comply with.

Access our whistleblowing Channel. (Temporarily only in Spanish)

These policies are based on the following certificates:

ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery Management System

UNE 19601:2017 Criminal Compliance Management System


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