Operational Planning (HydrOptim)

Water network optimisation boosts sustainability in the water cycle.

Plan investments and water reuse by embracing a circular economy approach

Improve water cycle and network sustainability by optimising operations, water reuse and applying circular economy principles. Use operation planning software and data to make better-informed investment plans and decisions around supplying water.

The rise in water demand requires focused and informed decision-making to optimise network operations and facilitate better investment decisions.

Adasa’s HydrOptim is a Decision Support System (DSS) that boosts sustainability in the water cycle by promoting efficient operational planning. HydrOptim simulates an investment’s impact on water use and reuse, crucial to estimate the return on investment (ROI) correctly.

The system takes a broad overview of operations, using simulations to evaluate the long-term impact of investments. The state-of-the-art, web-based interface allows users to draw topology models of their distribution networks. A library houses all necessary components – water sources, reservoirs, treatment plants, pumping stations, water demands, open channels, pressurised pipes and more – which can be dragged and dropped into varied models. Each component is configured with its physical and operational characteristics; pump curves, for example, or operating costs (electrical tariffs).

Users can configure several scenarios for a particular topology model - for example, simulate water demands or restrictions for a designated time. Once configured the simulations are run and the scenario transforms into a set of numerical equations. These are then sent to a centralised non-linear optimisation solver.

HydrOptim interface

HydrOptim produces results that show how to minimise operational costs based on desired constraints, and over a given period. Play out different situations by merely modifying the conditions, e.g. to evaluate the impact of an investment that distributes reused water from the outlet of a wastewater treatment plant to demand points. This helps analyse the long-term implications of different investments and maintenance on a distribution network operation.

HydrOptim’s ability to compare scenarios from multiple angles enables informed decision-making on business outlays. The Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard interprets data clearly into context, offering clear information and analysis to help water networks boost water cycle sustainability and optimise operations.


  • Simulate optimal water network operation to evaluate the long-term impact of investments.
  • In-depth impact analysis using built-in business intelligence dashboards.
  • Boost sustainability and circular economy principles by investing in water reuse.
  • Reduce stress on surface water and groundwater sources.
  • Make informed decisions as water demand continues to increase.

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