Modelling & Advise

Forecasting extreme and ordinary hydrometeorological conditions.

Use models to make sound decisions about storms, floods and droughts

Extreme weather events demand anticipation by basin authorities to ensure mitigation measures protect communities and material resources downstream. Knowing the magnitude of a flood flow allows early alarms to give fair warning to businesses and people. Similarly, extreme weather events such as droughts require efficient management of water resources and demand.

Adasa has extensive experience in hydrological and hydraulic modelling of rivers and hydraulic infrastructures. We provide accurate and up-to-date flow predictions, based on real-time information from hydrometry, meteorology networks and Automatic Weather Stations. Forecasts of different meteorological and hydrological models improve the exploitation of the basin’s reserves and diminish the environmental impact caused by extreme events.

Hydrological and hydraulic modeling software based on real time information

Normal hydrometeorological conditions require extensive basin knowledge, from the hydrological response of the basin to information about available flows for various uses. Withdrawals include for irrigation, supplies, industrial uses, water transfers, returns and the control of ecological flows. This information illustrates the daily flow regulation of the basin. Modelling medium and long-term flow assist hydrological planning, studies of the variability of the behaviour of streams and the effects of climate change on the water source.

Our specialists develop complex, hydrological and hydraulic models that continuously simulate all the processes of a basin’s hydrological cycle with great detail and variability, even in large basins. We use distributed efficient models based on physical processes such as Tetis, Topkapi, SHE or Topmodel as well as simpler aggregate or semi-distributed models such as HEC-HMS or NAM, and even conceptual and empirical models.

We build our models based on the extensive information we accumulate during all phases of the process: conceptual, procedural, calibration and validation. We integrate this modelling process into early warning systems so that the circulating flow forecasts provide reliable information. This data-led approach generates accurate, early-warning hydrological alarms so communities and businesses in the affected areas can mobilise and mitigate the potential impacts of flood episodes.

Adasa has extensive experience in the development of hydraulic models for dam operation, as well as 1D/2D transient flow models. These simulate the evolution of a flooding event in a river: models include HEC-RAS, MIKE, IBER, SOBEK, ISIS, Floodway or Dambreak.


  • Guaranteed advance warnings - and predicted consequences - of the flood magnitude of streams and drainage from reservoirs following adverse meteorological phenomena.
  • Hydrological and hydraulic forecasting models, together with Automatic Weather Stations, improve the early response to these events.
  • Enhancing flood risk awareness allows crisis managers to apply the most appropriate dam operation safety measures and respond to incidents effectively.
  • Clearer communication of hydrological warnings minimises the impact and damage floods cause.
  • Advanced information about basin flow regulation improves irrigation withdrawals, supplies, industrial use, water transfers, returns and the control of ecological flows and droughts.
  • Historical and synthetic simulations to understand the drainage of a basin better.

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