Flood Early Warning System

Protect assets and save lives caused by flooding events.

Better planning and decision-making with Flood Early Warning Systems

As floods, droughts and other extreme weather events increase, so too do the potential costs to lives and economies caused by these hydro-meteorological hazards. Adasa’s Flood Early Warning Systems and affiliated tools help authorities and crisis managers face climate change by improving decision-making and quickening early response times to events.

Authorities responsible for reducing flood damage need to know the areas at risk of flooding and get an adequate warning about a flood event. This is achieved through having a sufficiently comprehensive monitoring and detection network in the field, the capacity to respond and a far-reaching and robust communication network to relay warnings and alerts.


There is a range of early warning technologies required to work in unison to cope with these challenges. A Flood Forecast System offers anticipated warnings of imminent flooding risks. It uses Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) to provide rainfall forecasts and a hydrological/hydraulic model to predict the hydrological response. An array of low cost, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, deployed upstream, observe real-time conditions, and the information is used to warn agencies and communities downstream. Satellite imagery and earthquake monitoring (for tsunami warnings) are incorporated, too.

Adasa designs systems that collect accurate, quality hydrological and meteorological data online. Modelling techniques blend and interpret data to give detailed information about the impact and extent of flood events, bringing advanced warnings that help authorities and crisis managers mitigate natural disasters.

Our solutions include 100% accurate, real-time warnings and alerts, surge predictions at local and regional levels and sirens deployed at strategic locations. Flood warning and monitoring cover rural and urban areas, and there is an inundation simulation to identify regions vulnerable to flooding. Rugged and redundant communications infrastructure assures information arrives even under the most adverse environmental conditions. We also offer an integrated tsunami warning package for coastal areas.


  • Combine risk management policies with climate change adaptation initiatives.
  • Bolster risk and disaster management strategies with our decision support system.
  • Automatic warnings: send alerts directly to citizens’ smartphones.
  • Save lives and protect assets with improved early responses.
  • Identify areas at risk of flooding, urban or rural.

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