Our Purpose

We make water a trusted friend.

Our Vision

Imagine a world in which natural water in all its forms is well known and measured in terms of volumes, flows and continuous balances on 99% of the Earth and, through meteorology and climatology, we fully understand its nature.

A world in which artificial and human use of water is well known in terms of water sources, consumption, interconnection and balance at any place and at any time in 99% of human activity. Imagine a world in which pollution can be easily detected and removed at anytime, anywhere.

In this world, everyone knows better than ever how vital and precious our water is and uses it in a sustainable way. Humankind is fully aware about how water behaves in both the natural and artificial environment and understands the connection to nature. Water is no longer a costly and unpredictable resource that gives us unpleasant challenges and we must master, but has become a well-known friend whose behaviour we understand and have respectfully adapted to, as we have always desired.

Our Mission

We empower all players in the economy to manage the interaction between the natural world and the artificial world in regard to water. Our ICT and data-driven services based on information about the quality and quantity of water help build sustainability and protect health.

The insights gained provide transparency about water while enabling our customers to more easily comply with environmental regulation, increase resilience to flooding and drought, reduce business risk, make wiser capital investments and operations smarter.

Our team of experts understand the increasing need of efficiently managing the rapidly growing amount of data in order to realise its full potential value for our clients. Our expertise has lead us to partner with hundreds of clients to solve similar problems around the world.

Our Values

  • We are agile
  • We are competent
  • We act with Integrity
  • We put the customer first
  • We shape our own destiny
  • We are digital
  • We are water


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