WaterNSW launches online water portal to enhance transparency
- An intuitive platform providing meaningful information and real-time data to support transparency and public accessibility to water information in New South Wales.
- Invaluable tool for building confidence and enhancing the water literacy of anyone seeking a better understanding of the management of NSW river network
Water Insights is one of the initiatives undertaken by New South Wales (NSW) Department of Primary Industry and Environment and WaterNSW to provide more transparency and public accessibility to information.
With the ongoing and severe drought in eastern Australia, water users in NSW were becoming increasingly concerned about the fairness of rules for sharing water and whether rules were being properly enforced. The issues arose called for increased transparency to build confidence in the management and use of water.
Committed to being transparent in their operation, WaterNSW has successfully developed WaterInsights, a powerful tool that provides an overview of water management in NSW to interested parties.
ADASA has extensively collaborated in the design and development of this new digital platform that provides customers and general public a comprehensive insight into the data and interpretive commentary underpinning WaterNSW resource planning processes and decision making.
Water Insights provides in one place, comprehensive information about how water is managed and shared in NSW. Water users make more informed water resource planning decisions and the community and other stakeholders understand how water is distributed and the rules about how it is used, shared, traded and managed.
The tool has been described by the Water Minister Melinda Pavey as a “critical and historic step in enhancing transparency and transforming the water sector for all users” and as a “major asset for farmers seeking certainty around when they can and can’t access water, and an invaluable tool for enhancing the water literacy of anyone seeking a better understanding of the management of our river network”.