Our Work

Improve decision making, reduce risk, enhance process efficiency and organisational effectiveness.

Have an in-depth look into our projects

  • Our ICT and data-driven solutions based on information about the quality and quantity of water help build sustainability and protect health.
  • Adasa has partnered with hundreds of clients internationally who are currently facing similar water challenges, selecting the most appropriate technologies and enhancing their skills to solve the challenges they face.
  • Check our practical experience in integration of solutions and technologies to support these organisations.


Adasa contributes with the development of integrated on-line measuring device for nitrates and phosphates for the output of the WWTP.


Adasa participates in the INNO4H2O project: Innovation Ecosystem in the water sector

Barcelona, Spain

Using AI to detect invisible leaks in El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona

Water leak detection using FIDO AI

Aqlara Ciclo Integral del Agua

Valencia, Spain

Using AI to detect and prioritise leaks in water distribution networks


Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MINCOTUR) through the second call for AEIs in 2021 within the framework of the Next Generation aid and the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience.


Transforming ports into marine oases



Sydney, Australia

Assuring dam safety through high quality and timely data and analytics.


Canal Isabel II (Madrid Water)

Madrid, Spain

Automated event management of a complex SCADA system.

Guadiana River IWRMS

Guadiana River Basin Authority

Badajoz, Spain

Enhancing flood and drought risk awareness and response.



Sydney, Australia

Building customer confidence through insight into decision making.

Flood Early Warning System

Duero River Basin Authority

Valladolid, Spain

Enhancing flood risk awareness and response.


Enable Monitoring and Diagnosis of Incidents.

Spanish Weather Radar Network Maintenance Services

Spanish State Meteorological Agency


Assured and Reliable Weather Forecasting.

Catalonia, Spain

Real-time, remote detection and management of pollution episodes.


EU LIFE Program


Ensure bathing water quality with advanced urban water management.


Continuous and automatic monitoring of microbiological parameters in drinking water.

Castell d'Aro, Spain

Advanced microbiological control system for the recovery of reused water.

Operational and Planning System

Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd.

Griffith, Australia

Enhancing asset management and customer service levels through business intelligence.

Catalonia, Spain

Preserving the environmental quality of the Ebro River Delta.


Goulburn-Murray Water Corporation

Tatura, Australia

Increasing the quality and accessibility of water resource information.

Catalan River Basin District IWRMS

Catalan Water Agency (ACA)

Catalonia, Spain

Maintenance and technical support services.

National Water Information System

Ministry of Environment of Spain


Improving national water policy and transparency through standardised, managed and accessible data.


Wessex Water

Bath, England

Reducing energy and improving effluent in wastewater treatment.

Service Cost Modelling

Goulburn-Murray Water Corporation

Tatura, Australia

Using machine learning to reduce asset management costs without compromising service levels.

Inland Streams Monitoring

The National Environment Agency of Singapore (NEA)


Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff in Singapore.

Tasmania, Australia

Boosting the RAS productivity and increase efficiencies.

Dam Safety Emergency Management

Several River Basin Authorities


Pre-emptive safety to protect people from flooding and dam failure.

Catalan Water Information System

Catalan Water Agency

Catalonia, Spain

Water resources management, compliance and related risk assessment.

Automatic Weather Station Maintenance

Meteorological Service of Catalonia

Catalonia, Spain

Real-time data improves weather forecasting and climatology studies.

Catalonia, Spain

Improved operation and annual energy savings.

Atoyac River Online Water Quality Monitoring

Ministry of Physical Planning and Environmental Sustainability of the State of Puebla


Preservation, conservation and improvement of water quality.

Early Warning System of São Tomé and Príncipe

National Institute of Meteorology and National Directorate for Energy

Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe

Accurate hydrometeorological data to protect farmers and fishers.


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